Not possible to go on line a 2nd time over a PGU connection (on the port 0 D-Sub connector)!
FAQ #100761
On PCD2.M480 it might happen that when a Online connection went offline and OnLine again that it doesn't work again: a message "No response" appears! In order to be able to connect again, it is necessary to plugg out and in again the programming cable PCD8.K111.
This phenomenon is related to the way the DSR signal is managed on the serial port of your PC/Laptop! We have noticed this problem on some Dell Desktops.
Please use PG5 1.4.300 in order to avoid this problem (at least version is required).
Local FAQ Deutschland / Project Manager
PCD2 / M48x
Last update: 27.05.2015 06:24
First release: 18.09.2007 15:45
Views: 4753