How long does it take to load the supercap?
FAQ #100707
The PCD1.M110, PCS1 and PCD3 are equipped with a supercap. This supercap needs a certain time until it is fully charged.
It takes about 30min. until the supercap is fully charged (5T). To keep the RAM content at least 2V are needed. The supercap contains 2V after about 5min. After this time the PCD1 will keep the data in RAM for a short time. The buffer time (30 days for PCD1.M110 and 7 days for PCD1.M120) can only be guaranteed if the supercap is fully charged, that means after at least 30 minutes runtime.
It takes about 45min. until the supercap is fully charged (5T). To keep the RAM content at least 2V are needed. The supercap contains 2V after about 6min. After this time the PCS1 will keep the data in RAM for a short time. The full buffer time (5..15 days) can only be guaranteed if the supercap is fully charged, that means after at least 45 minutes runtime.
It takes about 6min. until the supercap is fully charged (5T). To keep the RAM content at least 2V are needed. The supercap contains 2V after about 1.5min. After this time the PCD3 will keep the data in RAM for a short time. The full buffer time can only be guaranteed if the supercap is fully charged, that means after at least 6 minutes runtime.
PCD1 / M1x0/M1x5
Last update: 28.05.2015 13:06
First release: 04.04.2007 08:45
Views: 6616