The virtual keyboard doesn't appear when wanting to modify a value in an edit box!

FAQ #100704

Once the application has been downloaded in the PCD it isn't possible to modify a value because the keyboard doesn't appear.

To solve the problem you have two possibilites:

1: Copy the two files keypad.teq and alpha.teq in to your web editor project.

2: Use the default keypad.teq and alpha.teq stored on the MB-Display



If you want to store the keypad.teq and alpha.teq on your web editor project:
Add the attached file in your Web Editor project using the menu: Project / Add file

New (June 07):
Since WEb Editor 5.11.06 these files are available through the menu Project / Add to project /files and browse to C:\Program Files\SAIA-Burgess\Web Editor 5_11_06\TeqLib (or QVGA TeqLib)\ . So use those new alphapad and keypad for MB Panel FW 1.07.00 or newer!

If you want to use the default keypad.teq and alpha.teq stored on the MB-Display:
In this case you don't need to store the alpha.teq and keypad.teq on your web editor project.
On the MB-Display Setup menu you have to enter on the following menu:
"Configuration / Special"
There you have to select the option "local file search before remote"




PCD7 / D4xx (MB Panel)

Last update: 31.05.2015 09:25

First release: 05.03.2007 15:40

Views: 3249

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
