Analogue modules read wrong values while beeing online with PG5

FAQ #100631

Due to a problem in PG5 (Fupla and Watchwindow) the values read by certain analogue modules can occasionally be corrupted while beeing online with the PCD.


While beeing online with the PCD, input values of analogue input modules jump to wrong values. The problem occurs occasionally and the value shown while the error case is not predictable (but it often is always the same value). The problem occurs when beeing online with Fupla and/or the PG5 Watch Window.
When beeing online with Fupla only, the problem can disappear when viewing another Fupla page.
All analogue modules with the exception of intelligent analogue modules (W745, W720, W3x5, W525 and W6x5) can be concerned by this problem.

The reason for this problem is a problem in the "Synchronous Data View" of Fupla and the WatchWindow. When using the "Synchronous Data View" and viewing a digital input or output, PG5 automatically does read the following 31 I/Os, too. In case the addresses of an analogue module are read by this automatism, a value corruption can be the result.
Affected PG5 1.4 versions (older versions than PG5 1.4 aren't affected because the "Synchroneous Mode" was not implemented):

  • PG5 1.4.100
  • PG5 1.4.110
  • PG5 1.4.130
  • PG5 1.4.200 

PG5 1.4.120 does contain a correction that avoids this problem.

This problem can be fixed by installing PG5 SP 1.4.300. The latest version of the PG5 can be found on the support site ( in the section "Product information" --> "Software" --> "PG5"



PCD2 / Wxxx

PCD3 / Wxxx

PCD4 / Wxxx

PCD6 / Wxxx

PG5 1.x

Local FAQ Deutschland / Fupla

Last update: 27.05.2015 09:00

First release: 17.11.2006 08:17

Views: 12539

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
