Receive Data in Open Data Mode

FAQ #100584

If the local station communicates in Open Data Mode with more than one remote stations, so respect priority in handling the content of the "Channel Register" (indicator for which Channel the data did arrive).


If the local station communicates in Open Data Mode with more than one remote stations, so respect priority in handling the content of the Channel Register (indicator for which Channel the data did arrive).

The global diagnostic flag RDATA is set to high to indicate that some data did arrive from a remote station. The Channel Register (see CSF InitODM) contains the value to which channel the data is to deliver. Be careful and copy this value into a local register before reading the data with the CSF ReceiveData/ReceiveDataRev. Otherwise, the Channel Register risks to contain already the next value, for the next  pending telegram. After executing the ReiceiveData/ReceiveDataRev CSF, combine the captured data with the channel stored in the local register. 



PCD7 / Fxxx

Communication / Ether-S-Bus

Last update: 30.05.2015 16:26

First release: 24.07.2006 15:42

Views: 1481

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