Where to find the ASCII table?

FAQ #100486

In some cases the ASCII table can be useful for generating projects with PG5. E.g. for applying the "Root vaiable ASCII" from the HMI Editor.


Where can the ASCII table be found?
The ASCII table can be found in the "SBC Instuction List Help" file. This help can be opened

  • from the IL Editor, Menu "Help" or
  • directly from the Saia PG5® installation directory C:\Program Files\SAIA-Burgess\PG5 1_3\SASM32.HLP.


PG5 1.x

Local FAQ Deutschland / SEdit (IL programming)

Last update: 20.05.2015 01:33

First release: 18.11.2005 09:22

Views: 1607

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