PCD7.D761 / D763 loses communication on Profi S-Bus!

FAQ #100477

On a Profi S-Bus network when PCD7.D76_ terminals are connected to PCD3.Mxxx or PCD2.M480 PLC's over Profi S-Bus, the terminal loses the communication after some time and get even frozen. This problem is corrected in the new boot, FW and driver. The PCD8.D81 V 5.09 is needed , the attached files have to be copied in it (see procedure below).

It is also necessary to update the PCD3.Mxxx and PCD2.M480 FW with the version PCD3.Mxxx_023.blk / PCD2.M480_$27 or newer! Ask the PCD technical support or your representation for it!


Attached you can find the new boots, firmwares and driver that resolve the problem with the Profi-S-Bus network.
The booter file " BT155MTF" and BT525MTF have to be copied in the following folder
C:\Program Files\SAIA\PCD8.D81W 5.09\Boot

and the files "VT155W.BIN, VT155VW.BIN, VT525W.BIN and sbus_IC.BIN in the folder

C:\Program Files\SAIA\PCD8.D81W 5.09\firmware.

After files replacement download the new boot to the PCD7.D761 (VT155W) or PCD7.D763 (VT 525W)

with the tool BOOT update in (menu: Tool / Boot update / automatic) the password is 371013.

Note: All PCD7.D761/D763 produced after the 24-11-2005 have already the new boot

PCD7.D761 Boot V 2.5

PCD7.D763 Boot V 3.6

The booter version is visible during the programme download, in the PCD8.D81W Download window!

Finally download the project with the new firmware into the display.


NEWS: In the latest version PCD8.D81W V 5.12 contains all thoses updated FWs, drivers and boots! Ask the technical support or your representation for it!



PCD7 / D7xx

Software (except PG5) / PCD8_D81W

Last update: 19.05.2015 02:21

First release: 04.11.2005 10:36

Views: 3756

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
