Why does it create errors on build when two PCD2.W745 F-Boxes are used in the same Fupla File?

FAQ #100441

Each new F-Box has the name Module. That is the reason for the multi-defined symbols.


If more than one F-Box PCD2.W745 is placed in a project the following errors will appear:

Error 41: tt.fbd: Line 53: Multi-defined symbol: a.fup.Module.reg0, in Block: BL 4328180E, Page: 1, FBox: PCD2.W745
Error 41: tt.fbd: Line 53: Multi-defined symbol: a.fup.Module.reg1, in Block: BL 4328180E, Page: 1, FBox: PCD2.W745
Error 41: tt.fbd: Line 53: Multi-defined symbol: a.fup.Module.reg2, in Block: BL 4328180E, Page: 1, FBox: PCD2.W745
Error 41: tt.fbd: Line 53: Multi-defined symbol: a.fup.Module.reg3, in Block: BL 4328180E, Page: 1, FBox: PCD2.W745
Error 41: tt.fbd: Line 91: Multi-defined symbol: a.fup.Module.reg0, in Block: BL 4328180E, Page: 1, FBox: PCD2.W745
Error 41: tt.fbd: Line 91: Multi-defined symbol: a.fup.Module.reg1, in Block: BL 4328180E, Page: 1, FBox: PCD2.W745
Error 41: tt.fbd: Line 91: Multi-defined symbol: a.fup.Module.reg2, in Block: BL 4328180E, Page: 1, FBox: PCD2.W745
Error 41: tt.fbd: Line 91: Multi-defined symbol: a.fup.Module.reg3, in Block: BL 4328180E, Page: 1, FBox: PCD2.W745

The reason is that each new F-Box has the name Module. Therefore it creates Multi-defined symboles.

Each F-Box has to have a different name. Rename the second F-Box p.e in Module1 etc. In future versions of PG5 this F-Box will not have a default name since it is not necessary.


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Local FAQ Deutschland / Fupla

Last update: 24.05.2015 19:03

First release: 14.09.2005 13:43

Views: 791

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