What to do after an "Operand Error 320: Invalid FB parameter"?

FAQ #100433

It might occur that a build of a Fupla file generates "Operand errors" and the build fails. In this case a "Clean files" most likely will help.


During a project build while the linking process an error message as listed below appears:
Operand errors:
Error 320: Fupla.fbd: Line 4: Invalid FB parameter: CFB _HEAVAC._FB._REG1: Param 2. See module heavac5.srx: Line 919
Error 320: Fupla.fbd: Line 5: Invalid FB parameter: CFB _HEAVAC._FB._REG1: Param 3. See module heavac5.srx: Line 927
Error 320: Fupla.fbd: Line 4: Invalid FB parameter: CFB _HEAVAC._FB._REG1: Param 2. See module heavac5.srx: Line 919
Error 320: Fupla.fbd: Line 5: Invalid FB parameter: CFB _HEAVAC._FB._REG1: Param 3. See module heavac5.srx: Line 927

This problem still remains after a "Rebuild All". 


This error message is generated because an internal, project related symbol table is corrupted. As long as PG5 recognizes that this file is present, it won't be re-generated (and therefore will cause the same error again and again).

In order to resolve this problem, a "Clean Files" of the "Symbol information files" can be executed. The "Clean Files"-window is opened from the menu "CPU", "Clean Files...".

Additional note
The "Clean Files" for the symbol information files will re-allocate all dynamically distributed symbols!



Local FAQ Deutschland / Fupla

Local FAQ Deutschland / Project Manager

Last update: 24.05.2015 19:11

First release: 05.09.2005 09:11

Views: 1132

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