Why does the error "Missing FB parameters" shows up when builidng a Project with HMI Trend objects?

FAQ #100427

If a project with HMI-Trend Objects was created in an older version of PG5 (<1.3.120) this error can occur.


When building the HMI Project  with trend functions, the following error shows up and a build is not possible.

Operand errors:

Error 322: esimerkki.hsr: Line 19: Missing FB parameters: CFB SHMI__ADO.Trend.INIT
Error 322: esimerkki.hsr: Line 19: Missing FB parameters: CFB SHMI__ADO.Trend.INIT

- The reason can be, that the project was created in an older version of PG5 (<1.3.120). The advanced objects had only four parameters in the first versions, otherwise now they need five parameters.
- An other reason can be when using registers instead of constantes for the parameters 2, 3 and 5.

- Import the new advanced object in the HMI Editor under Objects/Import/Standard Libraries/SHMIADO.ado. Now the Advanced Object Trend has five parameters instead of four.
- The parameters : Base address (2), Array size (3) and refresh (5) has to be constantes and not registers



Local FAQ Deutschland / HMI Editor

Last update: 19.05.2015 01:02

First release: 26.08.2005 11:18

Views: 1484

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