PG5 controls suite on a linux system

FAQ #100426

The PG5 Controls suite is only available for Windows OS. But a software like e.g. WMWare can be used in order to install Windows on a Linux machine. This allows to use PG5 on the Linux machine (running in the emulated Windows environment).


Since the functionality of PG5 in such a situation is depending on the base functionaliy of the combination VMWare/Windows, we cannot guarantee the proper functionality of all the PG5 Controls suite tools.

The following applications have been tested and were found working properely with VMWare Workstation 5:

  • PG5 (online connections tested: USB, Ethernet, RS232)

  • Fupla

  • Graftec

  • SEdit

  • WebConnect

Since the Windows environment is not directly accessing the hardware of the PC, a reduction of performance is to be expected.


Related Links:


PG5 1.x


Last update: 21.05.2015 19:52

First release: 23.08.2005 07:48

Views: 2253

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
