PCD2.M170 or PCS1: WEB Server works only if a WEB project is downloaded in the PCD!

FAQ #100380

If you try to connect to the the WEB Server of a PCD2.M170, PCD2.M150 (pilot FW) or a PCS1 and no WEB Server project has been downloaded, the following error is displayed: "Error 4 -Invalid page indentifier in the PCD answer".



On the "older" system it is necessary to download a Web Server project (even if it is empty) into the PCD in order to be able to access to the default SBC WEB Pages!

On the Saia PCD® COSinus systems (PCD3, PCD2.M5 and PCD2.M480) this problem doesn't occur!




S-Web Technology

PCD2 / M1xx

Last update: 31.05.2015 20:48

First release: 08.06.2005 08:47

Views: 5364

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
