Why does Windows find a new USB device for every PCD?

FAQ #100345

If a PCD is connected to the PC via USB cable, the new firmware PCD3 V010 and PCD2.M480 V020 do send a unique ID in their StringVendorRequest (iSerialNumber).

This has to be done this way because it's the only way to distinguish between several devices with the same VID/PID (VendorID/ProductID) in a USB bus system.


By default Window finds a new hardware for every new SerialNum. Therefore the user is prompted to re-install the USB driver every time a new PCD is connected to the PC. For sure that's not nice and we have modified the driver in a way that Windows won't ask for a reinstallation of the driver every time a new PCD is connected.
PG5 versions up to 1.3.120 will install the old version of the USB driver. For this versions it is recommended to uninstall the existing USB driver and afterwards installing the one attached to this FAQ. To do so, please follow the instructions below:

Procedure for updating the USB driver

  • Close your PG5 and Web Connect applications but keep the PCD connected to the usb port of the PC

  • Uninstall the actual USB driver from the Windows Device Manager.

    • Select the Window menu: Start, Settings, Control Panel, System

    • Select the Hardware dialog sheet and the button: Device Manager

    • Select the USB driver present under: DriverX USB (xxx)

    • To uninstall the driver, select the context menu: Uninstall

    • Unplug the PCD from the USB port of the PC

  • Install the new driver

    • Store the new driver files attached to this FAQ into a temporary directory
      (files: SaiaDevice.inf, drvxusb-sys, Dxusb10.dll)

    • Plug your PC to the PCD and wait for the "Found New Hardware Wizard"

    • Select the radio button "Install from a list or specific location"

    • On the following window, select the radio button "Don't search. I will choose the driver location"

    • Browse to the directory with the new files listed above

    • In case the installer has found several files, select the correct source files from your temporary directory

After this procedure Windows won't prompt the user for re-installing a USB driver for every PCD as long as always the same USB port (PC side) is used. However, Windows appears to recognise a new device for every USB port on the PC/USB hub (also if exactly this device has been installed on the same USB hub but attached to another port.)



PG5 1.x

PG5 2.0 / USB

Last update: 29.05.2015 18:17

First release: 04.04.2005 06:58

Views: 3389

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
