Unresolved externals _HEAVAC... on build of Heavac project
FAQ #100333
In case the parameters of the "Validity scope" of the Heavec-Init FBox are set to the value "External" but no Heavec-Init FBox having these parameters set to "Public" is present (linked) in the CPU, the build will fail due to unresolved externals.
The error message of PG5 Project Manager will look similar to the list below:
Assembly complete. Errors: 0 Warnings: 0
Linking: _2_M150.obj+IP_Watchdog.obj+fuplafile.obj+
Lib files: sfuplib3.obl
To: 2_M150.pcd 2_M150.map
Unresolved Externals:
_HEAVAC._SAMPLING._ONESEC in module fuplafile.obj
_HEAVAC._PERFORM._CYNUMBER in module fuplafile.obj
_HEAVAC._RESET._EXEC in module fuplafile.obj
_HEAVAC._SAMPLING._OVERRUN in module fuplafile.obj
_HEAVAC._SAMPLING._INTERVAL in module fuplafile.obj
_HEAVAC._RESET._SIGNALING in module fuplafile.obj
_HEAVAC._SAMPLING._FIRSTSMPL in module fuplafile.obj
_HEAVAC._SAMPLING._SAMPLE in module fuplafile.obj
Linkage complete. 8 errors, 0 warnings.
Build failed. Total errors: 8 Total warnings: 0
The problem can easily be solved by setting the "Valitity scope"-parameters to the appropriate setting ("Local" does always work).
Local FAQ Deutschland / HEAVAC/HLK/CVC
Local FAQ Deutschland / Fupla
Last update: 22.05.2015 20:03
First release: 04.03.2005 10:27
Views: 3454