What does 'The user program writes into Text/DB segment. This will fail...' mean?
FAQ #100219
It might happen that a "Download Program Warning" is shown on program download. the message is the following:
The user program writes into the Text/DB segment. This will fail because the destination PCD contains Flash EPROM which is read-only.
This message is shown if PG5 has allocated Texts and DBs which are to be modified during runtime of the Program in the Flash or EPROM memory. This won't work!
This allocation is done according the "Software Settings". In order to correct this problem it is recommended to use the "Set Defaults" button in the "Registers/Text/DB's" tab of the "Software Settings" window.
PG5 1.x
Last update: 31.05.2015 22:07
First release: 14.09.2004 15:58
Views: 1318