Software Watchdog mustn't be used with FW 0C1 on PCD2.M150!

FAQ #100218

If once the Software Watchdog is configured on a PCD2.M150, the system can't be started any more until the FW will be changed to either an older version (not recommended) or to the latest version 0E3 (recommended)!


This problem is due to a too long starting sequence of the FW which will cause the Software Watchdog to restart the system right after its initial start. This causes the PCD not booting up at all any more.
In the concerned state, all LEDs (RUN, HALT and ERROR) are lit; the restart will be proceeded before the actual boot sequence indicated by the running LED's of the PCD starts.

To solve this problem the FW chips have to be replaced. These chips either can be ordered at your SBC representative or the actually used chips can be rewritten using a EPROM burner such as GALEP IV.
Since the FW of a PCD2.M150 is written in Flash EPROMs, it can be ereased and reloaded with the hex files of the FW version 0E3 available on the Support Site or at your SBC representative.



PCD2 / _Firmware Classic

PCD2 / M1xx

Last update: 29.05.2015 15:43

First release: 09.09.2004 08:44

Views: 4557

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
