What's the difference between the communication mode MC4 and MC5?

FAQ #100202

At the end of sending character the MC5 mode does switch faster the RTS signal.


Mode MC4 and MC5 are used to communicate in character mode on RS485 Interface.

The MC4 and MC5 mode are low level mode which will set the RS485 driver/receiver in drive mode only during the transmission of information's (character/text) and will be default to receive at any other time.

However the RTS signal and the XBSY and TBSY Flag work differently on MC4 and MC5 mode:

  • For MC4 mode:
    - The RTS is reseted between one bit time and 1 ms after the send of last sending character
    - The XBSY/TBSY flags are reset between 0 and 1 ms after the end of the last sending character.

  • For MC5 mode:
    - The RTS is reseted between one bit time after the send of last sending character
    - The XBSY/TBSY flags are reset between 0 and 1 ms after the sending of the second to the last character.
    - It's possible that the XBSY/TBSY flags are set to 0 at the begin of the sending of the last character

Diagram showing the difference between MC4 and MC5


To use the MC5 mode at least following FW versions are needed:

PCD Type FW Version
PCD1 080
PCD2.M120 090
PCD2.M150 0C0
PCD2.M170 010
PCD4.M1x5 0F0
PCD4.M445 0F0
PCD4.M170 010
PCD6.M300 040

To use the mode MC4 or MC5 on Fupla you have to select on the FBox "Sasi Text" or "Sasi Modus C" on the FBox adjust window the parameter "RS Type" to:
RS 485 for mode MC4
RS485 short timing
for mode MC5




Local FAQ Deutschland / Fupla

PG5 2.0 / Mode-C

Last update: 01.06.2015 03:49

First release: 13.08.2004 11:17

Views: 5068

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