Error messages on build
FAQ #100196
Error messages like:
1. Error 42: Display.hsr: Line 255: Symbol not defined: _HEAVAC._BID.._BIDSTR, in macro: _shmi_menu_record (4)
2. Unresolved Externals:
_HEAVAC._BID.Rt_Ueberwachung_Klasse_hinten._BIDSTR in module Display.obj
1. If the message "Symbol not defined: _HEAVAC... " is shown on build, the F-Box reference in HMI Editor is missing.
2. If the message "unresolved externals..." is shown on build, the option "Objects for HMI Editor" is not activated in the corresponding F-Box
Local FAQ Deutschland / HMI Editor
Last update: 21.05.2015 15:45
First release: 20.07.2004 14:13
Views: 1881