Why the LED's of the Profi-S-Link adapter (PCD8.K120) are not switched on?

FAQ #100177

To power on the PCD8.K120 Profi-S-Link adapter you have to enable the Profi-S-Bus of the corresponding port on the "Profi-S-Bus" folder of the PG5 Hardware settings and you have to downolad the Hardware settings to the PCD.


The PCD8.K120 Profi-S-Link adapter needs to be powered with 24VDC.
The 24VDC for the
PCD8.K120 is available on the PIN # 7 of the 9-pol D-Sub connector of the PCD2.M480 /PCD3.M where you connect the PCD8.K120 adapter.
To switch on the 24VDC on the Pin # 7 you have to enable the Profi-S-Bus of the corresponding port on the "Profi-S-Bus" folder of the PG5 Hardware settings and you have to download the Hardware settings to the



PCD8 Hardware / Kxxx

PG5 2.0 / Profi-S-Bus

PCD2 / M5xxx

PCD2 / M48x

Last update: 25.05.2015 00:34

First release: 02.07.2004 06:54

Views: 4720

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
