It's possible to add new groups in to the PG5 Profibus-DP configurator device list?
FAQ #100159
Yes, it's possible.
During the import of the *.GSD or *.GSE file to the Profibus-DP configurator you can select in which groupe you want to store the new file.
You can select the existing groups or you can write a name in to the selection text. This will then create a new group on the device list of the Profibus-DP configurator.
Yes, it's possible.
During the import of the *.GSD or *.GSE file to the Profibus-DP configurator you can select in which groupe you want to store the new file.
You can select the existing groups or you can write a name in to the selection text. This will then create a new group on the device list of the Profibus-DP configurator.
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PG5 2.0 / Profibus DP
Last update: 30.05.2015 10:10
First release: 21.06.2004 15:22
Views: 2744