Overview about the communication possibilities of the Saia PCD®

FAQ #100139


The choice of communication protocols is huge, and a lot of them can be used together with our products. Please refer to the overview pages section of the supportsite www.sbc-support.ch for more details.


The firmware features of the PCD CPU's allow to realize virtually every protocol based on Ethernet or serial connections. If you don't find the protocol you search for in the above mentioned overview, please contact one of our system partners (for instance www.engiby.ch). They have already created numerous drivers and have got a profound knowledge of our products, which allows them to create new drivers in resonable time.




Last update: 31.05.2015 02:20

First release: 15.06.2004 08:56

Views: 3845

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
