Do I always have to configure a bus coupler diagnostic module on the PCD0.T770 RIO module?

FAQ #100130

No, it's possible to de-activate the use of the bus coupler diagnostic module.


The bus coupler diagnostic module is used to send/receive "internal" data's of the Bus coupler.
Whith the internal data's it's possible that the Profibus-DP master know the status of the bus-coupler and the DP Master can define the behaviour of the bus-coupler.
The internal data's use 4 Byte input and 4 Byte output on the Profibus-DP.

Per default it's mandatory to define as first module this bus coupler diagnostic module in the Profibus-DP configurator.
If needed it's possible to de-activate the bus coupler diagnostic module with the Service function 5 "Switch bus coupler diagnosis on/off".
If deactivated then it's forbiden to define the bus coupler diagnostic module in the Profibus-DP configurator.




Last update: 31.05.2015 16:39

First release: 11.06.2004 14:22

Views: 1168

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