PCD7.D7xx terminals as DP Slave

FAQ #100124

Some of the PCD7.D7xx terminals are available with a Profibus DP option, but this solution is obsolete and we recommend other solutions


The Profibus DP option has the disadvantage that the terminal is a slave and the PCD must organize the data transfer. This means

  • that an FB per terminal is running in the PCD, which that is creating a significant CPU charge
  • that the reaction time after user interactions on the terminal gets slow

We therefore recommend other solutions:

  • Profi-S-Bus is to solution to be used together with new Classic products like the PCD2.M480 and PCD3.Mxxxx, it allows to have several terminals and PCD's on the same bus and the terminals are active participants
  • MPI is the alternative for xx7 PCD's
  • Ether-S-Bus or Serial-S-Bus connections are very often an alternative as well
  • an ESANET network is sometimes interesting, but requires an independent network among the terminals. One terminal acts as Server for the others (Clients). The Server terminal must have two serial ports, one of which connected to the PCD via S-Bus, the other connected to ESANET


PCD7 / D7xx

Last update: 31.05.2015 16:55

First release: 11.06.2004 11:43

Views: 3318

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
