What transmission speed does the PCD2.M487's integral MPI/S-Net interface support?

FAQ #100084


The integral interface can be used as an MPI interface, Profibus slave, and Profi-S-IO master. If MPI only is used, Baud rates of 187.5kBit/s and 1.5MBit/s are supported. If another Baud rate is configured, the interface switches to 187.5KBit/s. If the interface is used as Profibus slave or Profi-S-IO master, the MPI configuration of the operating system is ignored and the Profibus settings will apply. This enables Baud rates to be set of 93.75kBit/s, 187.5KBit/s, 500KBit/s and 1.5MBit/s. Programming will then also require the Simatic-Manager's PG/PC interface to be configured with the appropriate Profibus setting.



xx7 Series / Communication

Last update: 30.05.2015 04:28

First release: 08.06.2004 14:44

Views: 5815

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