With which Siemens CPU can an xx7 CPU be compared?

FAQ #100043


The PCD1.M137 instruction set and module addressing are comparable with the Siemens CPU 412. PCD2.M127/M157/M177M487 controllers have an instruction set that corresponds approximately to the Siemens CPU 414. They have all been designed for ample user memory. PCD1.M137 = 64 (default) / max. 128 kByte (adjustable) PCD2.M127 = 128 Kbyte PCD2.M157 = 256 (default) / max. 512 kByte (adjustable) PCD2.M177 = 512 (default) / max. 1 MByte (adjustable) PCD2.M487 = 1 MByte Further information on memory adjustment will be found in Manual 26/797, Chapter: System configuration. This documentation can be downloaded under:

www.sbc-support.ch/xx7/xx7doc.htm . Program pass speeds can only be compared approximately, because of the different instruction execution times. The PCD1.M137 and PCD2.M127 are about 3 times slower than the PCD2.M157 and PCD2.M177, which in turn reach the approximate cycle time of the Siemens CPU 315. The PCD2.M487 can reach the excecution speed of the Siemens CPU 318.



xx7 Series / Programming

xx7 Series / CPU and operating system

Last update: 01.06.2015 02:17

First release: 08.06.2004 13:13

Views: 11207

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