Is there a helpline for technical problems? When can I contact it?

FAQ #100031

Yes, the relevant national agents are listed on the page (please refer to the further down this FAQ for a direct link).


For customers from all other countries and Switzerland, our telephone hotline is +41 (0)26-672 71 11.
Available Monday to Thursday from 0800 to 1200 and 1300 to 1700 hrs and on Fridays from 0800 to 1200 and 1300 to 1600 hrs. Technical support can be provided on this line in German, English or French.



xx7 Series / General

Last update: 01.06.2015 09:53

First release: 08.06.2004 11:57

Views: 2707

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
