Wrong values are set when changing a value on the terminal
FAQ #100018
When changing the value of an HMI Object element, the value is set to a wrong value (e.g. 287463286). It isn't possible to set the correct value for this object element.
When changing the value of an Object element, the value is set to an absurd value (e.g. 287463286). It isn't possible to set the correct value for this object element.
This behaviour is caused by a wrong format (often floating point instead of integer value) of the limits for the concerned object element. Because the PCD compares an integer value with a floating point value, the result is wrong and the PCD sets the limit value (which is stored in floating point format). This leads to the strange, very big value.
To fix that problem make sure that the limits (Min and Max) of the object line do have the same format as the value to be limited. It isn't allowed to limit an integer value by value specified as floating point value. Therefore it isn't possible to use the range -99.9 ... 99.9 for an integer value.
Note that most values used and set by the HCV library seem to be floating point values because of the division by 10 (e.g. 1000 is interpreted as 100.0%) but actually still are integer values that have to be limited by integer values, too.
The HCV range of 0..100% has to be limited in the HMI by the minimum (=0) and the maximum (=1000).
Local FAQ Deutschland / HMI Editor
Last update: 29.05.2015 15:36
First release: 25.05.2004 15:14
Views: 3463