After each build the project manager is asking for still another build
FAQ #100009
If the time of the PC you are working on, or the time of the server where the project files stored is behind the time that the project has been build or saved the last time, the project manager thinks that another build is required. The problem appears especially when moving a project from one computer to another.
- set the clock of the PC or server
- or import the CPU's in a new project
Note: If some of the files of a project are write protected this can produce simliar effects. A common source of write protected files are copies on CD's, as all files on a CD are write protected. Make sure you store backups and transfer projects in zipped format, like this the write protection does not harm.
Local FAQ Deutschland / Project Manager
Last update: 27.05.2015 03:53
First release: 21.05.2004 10:10
Views: 8014